If you are not traveling now, but are interested in monitoring safety conditions for specific destination(s) overseas,
sign up for email advisories to receive the latest Travel Advisories when they are posted on travel.state.gov.
To subscribe: Provide your first name, last name, and email address. Then select one or more countries from the list (use Ctrl + click to select multiple)
and use the “>>” arrows to move your selection(s) to the right-hand box. When you are finished, click Submit. (You may receive an email asking you
to confirm your subscription; follow the instructions in the email to complete your request.)
You can also use this page to unsubscribe from these lists later. Select “I want to: (x) Unsubscribe,” provide the email address, use the “>>” to
move the appropriate country name(s) to the right-hand box, and click Submit.
**Traveling in the future? Enrolling a trip will provide you not only with Travel Advisories but also specific, local safety and security information directly from the Embassy.**